Phase 01
Liquidity Network Exchange Pre-Launch & Launch of Liquidity LNX Gold Coin (LNXG), March 2024.
Private Placement Participants may apply to open a Liquidity Exchange account and complete KYC/AML procedures. Following opening of an account, Private Placement Participants may top up their account by purchasing Liquidity’s LNXG Credits with Euro on a 1:1 ratio that are used to purchase LNXG Gold Coin.
Phase 02
Liquidity (LNXB) Coin Sale of LNX Gold Coin & Creation of NFT Coins, Q2 2024.
Registration period for Private Placement Participants continues and is expanded to institutional investors. Private Placement Participants may purchase LNX Credits up to their allocated limits.
Phase 03
FULL Liquidity Network Exchange & Liquidity Pay App Launch, Q3 2024.
Members may commence trading LNXD, LNXB and LNXG Gold Coins and other crypto asset credits through their account on Liquidity Exchange. Liquidity Exchange is open to the public for registration and trading. Liquidity Pay App will enable Members to start sending and receiving payments globally.
Phase 04
Liquidity Exchange App Launch, Liquidity Merchant Pay and other Utilities Q4 2024.
Members of Liquidity Ecosystem may download Liquidity Utilities. Liquidity Exchange is open to the public for registration and trading. Liquidity App to begin trading on the move, Merchant Pay opens.
Phase 05
Liquidity Metaverse Payments is currently in development called MetaLNX that will revolutionize and bridge real-world to virtual commerce Q1 2024.
Liquidity’s answer to metaverse payments is currently in development called MetaLNX, our instant blockchain and crypto payments means instant processing and settlement of digital assets like NFTs, crypto-currency and other future discovered digital assets. These assets could be traded, sold, and marketed through the metaverse marketplace tied to any blockchain based payment wallet or equivalent, meaning a secure, instant, scalable way of accepting a payment for commerce.
* Initial Launch Schedule is subject to modification and change as Liquidity's Core Code and protocols are developed. This is our best estimate.